10 Things to Watch for on UFC on Fox

#2 - Good Diaz, Bad Diaz

The Internet broke on February 4, 2012. Every MMA forum on the planet was inundated with rabid, berserker fury that still has yet to subside 10 months later. That's the day that Carlos Condit "leg jabbed" his way to a victory over Nick Diaz, street hero of the true thugs. 209 for LIFE! Indeed, 2011 was the year of Nick Diaz. He stood and traded bombs with Paul Daley. He eviscerated Cyborg Santos. No, the male one. Sorry, let restate - the bald one. And he retired BJ Penn with a merciless helping of slap boxing. 2012? Not so much. Nick went full retard - accusing GSP of faking an injury to avoid fighting him, threatening to quit MMA for triathlons or boxing, failing a drug test, and ultimately earning a 1-year suspension. He was suspended for weed. No, I'm being serious. In the shadow of this human wreckage, little brother Nate Diaz (16-7) has assumed the mantle of awesomeness from his brother. 2012 was a hell of a year for Nate. Just a day before NYE, he dominated Donald Cerrone with his pepper gun stand-up, even breaking Cowboy's jaw. As a headliner on Fox, he submitted BJJ stud Jim Miller. And now he's earned a title shot against Benson Henderson. We like Nate. He is the Nice Diaz. Does he piss hot? No. Does he make his media appointments? Yes. Is Nate gangsta? Yes. Is he the type of gangsta that gives decent interviews and can smile? Yes. And for that we applaud you, sir. Here's to 2012.
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Robert Curtis is a columnist, podcaster, screenwriter, and WhatCulture.com MMA editor. He's an American abroad in Australia, living vicariously through his PlayStation 3. He's too old to be cool, but too young to be wise.