10 Twitter Accounts Every Sports Fan Must Follow

1. Humour And Humour Only


Any top ten list is not complete with out something from the Onion! The Onion Sports Network (@OnionSports) claims to be the undisputed sports news leader, and all though I have to disagree. I still feel like they are worth a follow. The Onion provides a humorous insight into a lot of different sports, and often links to click through articles. This means that the humour goes past the 140 characters of twitter, and means that you'll definitely be able to understand the true meaning behind their articles' synopsis.

It includes cheesily photo-shopped pictures and a subtle degrading of our favourite athletes, but humour attracts and more often than not we love poking fun at the things we love. The Onion does just that, but even though they provide humour they do also add some facts. Facts + humour + frequent tweets = ideal follow.


That's it! That's the list of ten twitter accounts that Sports Fans must follow. This list includes an account from sporting analysts, news broadcasters and both past and present players. Social media is allowing sport to take over our lives in our houses, but these accounts may allow sport to take a larger part of our hearts. Cheesy, I know- but sometimes a tweet about something you love can make you smile and that's really all that matters!

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Hayley Goodacre: a girl who loves too hard, reads too fast and plays too competitively.