12 Times Andrea Pirlo Proved He Was Human Perfection

8. When He Waxes Lyrical

There€™s absolutely no denying that €˜Il Architetto€™ is a philosophical wonder. Whenever he opens his mouth a seamless flow of poetry pours out to entertain and enthral us. The polar opposite of the modern day footballer, or at least the perception of it. Actually, no, generalising aside, footballers are witless heed-the-balls. But Pirlo isn€™t. Every quote attributed to him €“ frequently appropriated from his autobiographical bible €˜I Think, Therefore I Play€™ €“ is a lesson in intelligence and erudition with a perceptive humour that seems to be entirely redundant in the majority of today€™s brand aware footballers. Writing about it is an exercise in futility so let€™s just read a few words of wisdom from €˜The Professor€™: He appreciates the important things in life:'After the wheel, the Playstation is the best invention of all time€'On pressure:'I don€™t give a toss about pressure. I spent the afternoon sleeping and playing Playstation. Then I went out and won the World Cup.'His self-deprecation: On former Inter Milan manager Roy Hodgson: 'Hodgson mispronounced my name. He called me €œPirla€ (a term used in Milan dialect which roughly translates as €œdickhead€), perhaps understanding my true nature more than the other managers.'After losing the 2005 Champions League to Liverpool in Istanbul:'There are always lessons to be found in the darkest moments. It€™s a moral obligation to dig deep and find that little glimmer of hope or pearl of wisdom.'You might hit upon an elegant phrase that stays with you and makes the journey that little bit less bitter. I€™ve tried with Istanbul and haven€™t managed to get beyond these words: €˜for fuck€™s sake.€™'On Zlatan Ibrahimovic:'A ticking timebomb of a madman'On pre-match warm ups:'It€™s nothing but masturbation for conditioning coaches' Genius.

Chris James Peet says hello. His interests include hoping for the best and sitting in chairs. He much prefers moaning to counting his blessings and suffers fools gladly. He also likes to look out of the window and check what's in the fridge but he hates standing up, dripping taps and reality.