5 Reasons Why Bradley Wiggins Will Win Tour De France 2012

4. Best Domestique in the World

Whisper it quietely but Bradley Wiggins isn't even the most accomplished Grand Tour rider on his own team. No, that honour falls to the Kenyan born Brit Christopher Froome who finished second in last year's Tour of Spain and might well have been able to do something about the agonising thirteen seconds that lost him the race had he not been instructed to continue working for Brad whilst wearing the leaders jersey. Nonetheless, having one of the most talented all rounders in the peloton as his chief assistant will be a major boost for Wiggins who will need to rely on Froome in the mountains to control the pace at the front, chase down any significant attacks, help Wiggins regain his bearings should he be dropped by the elite climbers and allow his team leader to save energy by following his wheel on the steeper sections of the mountains.

"Growing up, Laurent was such an ardent fan of wrestling superstar Stone Cold Steve Austin that he actually attempted to send the Texas Rattlesnake a letter demanding that he defeat arch-nemesis The Rock at Wrestlemania 15. Oh hell yeah, it was all still very real to him back then dammit. As an aspiring writer of multiple genres and platforms, he has also recently co-authored a non-fiction movie e-book entitled 'Egos, Cliches, Flops and Lost Films: Examining the powerful madness of the movies' which is written in a similarly light hearted and informative style to his wrestling articles and which can be browsed and purchased by following the link below - http://www.amazon.com/Egos-Cliches-Flops-Films-ebook/dp/B0088YNTBC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1339093928&sr=8-1"