5 Reasons Why Roger Federer Will Win Another Grand Slam

1. Playing Style

sdssd Federer€™s game and principles have never changed. He has stuck to his guns and constantly produced the most elegant, eye-catching tennis of all time. Whilst this may have lost him many crucial games in the past €“ U.S Open semi-finals 2010 and 2011 spring to mind €“ he has never felt the need to adapt. When in full flow, Federer is a joy to watch; he always will be. There is no one who would beat him still because of the level of shot making he has reached and still can reach. From the serve through to the ground strokes, Fed on form is poetry in motion. The accuracy at which he hits corners and the selection of shots he can play means a hard day€™s work for an opponent. Just look again at Wimbledon 2012 and the 2012 ATP Tour World Final vs Djokovic for proof. Yes he lost the latter match, but at times Djokovic even had to stand and admire a genius at work. There were times when he could do nothing to stop Fed and simply had to applaud. Until the day Roger Federer announces his retirement, he will always have a chance of winning another Grand Slam.

A 21 year old journalism student in Northampton. I religiously follow sport, especially football, boxing, golf and tennis and generally am interested in any aspect of life, or the world in general. You're likely to catch me sipping a mojito in a swanky bar, but only on holidays! All round fun loving guy who appreciates everything simple in this ever-complex world.