50 Things To Expect From Super Bowl 50

21. Blackout Avoidance

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NisA-AT60A It happened at Candlestick Park in 2011, and again in 2013 at the Superdome, but the home of the 49ers will be hoping for lights on all night. Whether you buy Ray Lewis' conspiracy theory or remember it as the longest 34 minutes of your life, Super Bowl XLVII's moment of darkness is remembered for all the wrong reasons, and those reasons are still making conversations today.

Happy-snapping worldly wordsmith. In between snapping street shots, tapping out stellar prose and having more hair-brained ideas than a barber with a bachelor's in business, you'll find him fumbling with the latest fitness fads and dreaming of a debut in F1 (he's a late bloomer, OK?).