50 Things To Expect From Super Bowl 50

2. Ludicrous Wagers

Bizarre prop bets abound when it comes to the Super Bowl €“ and, with predictions pointing to a US$4.2billion spend by Americans on Bowl wagers, there are plenty of ways to blow cash on crazy odds. Here are a few of the best: How many times with the Golden Gate Bridge be shown during broadcasting? Will Peyton Manning be seen crying? Will there be an earthquake during the game? Will half-time show pyro set fire to the stadium? What colour will Beyonce's half-time show footwear be? How many times will John Elway be shown during the broadcast? How many times will John Fox be mentioned? How long will the national anthem be? And, of course, the old favourite: what colour will the Gatorade shower be?

Happy-snapping worldly wordsmith. In between snapping street shots, tapping out stellar prose and having more hair-brained ideas than a barber with a bachelor's in business, you'll find him fumbling with the latest fitness fads and dreaming of a debut in F1 (he's a late bloomer, OK?).