8 Big Threats To Southampton's Challenge For The Top 4

5. Tiredness In Top Players

Aside from other clubs learning how to play him, Pelle's recent lack of goals may also have been brought about by overworking him. With so few other striking options, Pelle has had to play almost constantly without rest. He has already clocked up 2312 minutes of Premier League football this year. Even with also playing in the Champions League, Diego Costa, for comparison, has only played 2081 (just 1693 in the Premier League). As the fixture congestion built up over Christmas, the strain has begun to show on Southampton's key players. Early on in the season, new signing Dusan Tadic proved invaluable to the club's form. In the incredible 8-0 win over Sunderland, Tadic utterly dominated the play, running rings round the Sunderland defence. In recent weeks, however, the Serbian star has looked far from fresh and has been dropped to the bench, making little more than a late cameo on Sunday. Koeman has even taken the bold step of speaking out to the press about Tadic over-straining himself with too much training and has had to tell him to hold back and get some rest.

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