8 Things Sunderland Fans Need To Know About Adam Matthews

1. He's Built For Big Games

Although the financial troubles faced by Rangers have put the Old Firm derby on hold for the foreseeable future, Matthews will undoubtedly have tasted the tension (and outright hatred) between Glasgow's two sides. What better way to prepare for life on one side of the Tyne/Wear divide? In fact, the Welshman has been directly affected by territorial rivalries from the very beginning of his professional career. He was greeted with jeers upon returning with Cardiff to hometown club Swansea, but has demonstrated an ability to laugh off such abuse and focus on his game. Another positive trait Matthews brings is his winning mentality. Having won the SPL in each of his four seasons with Celtic, he will surely bring an air of positivity and expectation to the Sunderland dressing room - something the Black Cats have been sorely missing in recent years.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.