NFL: Odds On 13 Teams Winning Their First SuperBowl

1. San Diego Chargers (2013 Record: 9-7)

It seems a little farfetched, but the Chargers have become one of the most consistent teams in the NFL. They have made the playoffs or contended for a spot until the final week of the season for the past nine years. The offense is becoming more complete each year, with Wide Receiver Keenan Allen bursting out onto the scene as Quarterback Phillip Rivers favorite target in 2013. On the ground, Ryan Matthews had a solid rebound year with over 1,000 yards and 6 TDs this season. Although the defense, (especially the secondary) needs it share of work, the Chargers are going to consistently perform well to get to the playoffs, and will get back to the big stage of a Super Bowl sooner than you think. Odds of making Super Bowl XLIX: 75%
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Student at the University of Missouri-Columbia who has an unhealthy love for College Football. There is no offseason, only eight months of re-runs. Studying the Art of Fat Guy Touchdowns.