9. Josh Barnett

When it comes to second chances, Josh Barnett is probably the MMA poster boy. A three-time offender regarding performance enhancing drugs, Barnett was stripped of his UFC title, and sent packing. He spent time in Japan, where he dabbled in Pro Wrestling as well as MMA, and eventually signed up with Strikeforce. He managed to maintain a reputation as one of the toughest heavyweights outside the UFC not named Fedor over the years, and generally speaking, most of the MMA community assumed that would be it for the former Babyfaced Assassin. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etNnLAfMP8A Even when Strikeforce was acquired by the UFC, it looked as if a Barnett return was not in the cards. Then, talk of talks between the fighter and the UFC popped up, only to hit a snag - money, and the ability for Barnett to continue wrestling in Japan. Suddenly, however, the stars aligned, and Barnett made his UFC debut against Frank Mir in a matchup fans had always wanted to see. Now nicknamed "The Warmaster" (he dropped the Babyfaced Assassin moniker a while back), Barnett won his debut, and launched himself into the UFC top ten, with all talk of being a drug cheat seemingly forgotten.