What If These 10 NBA Legends Were Drafted Earlier?

7. Paul Pierce

Paul Pierce aka The Truth, all time Boston Celtics Great and one of my favourite players ever. He ain't just there to be the role player, he is there to be the man to carry the team. He has proven many times that he can make clutch three's if you need him. He calls himself the best player in the world. It might be controversial but that just shows how much confidence he has in himself. When Kobe Bryant was scoring 40 + points in front of him, he was doing the same thing too. He doesn't like Lebron James that he used to not allow his teammates to wear Lebron James shoes. That's Paul Pierce. He was drafted in the 10th pick of the 1998 NBA Draft. He was one pick behind maybe the greatest International Player in Nba History, Dirk Nowitzki. So the question comes in, what if Paul Pierce went to the Dallas Mavericks.

Would It Have Affected His Legacy?

It will affect his legacy massively. First, the big three will never existed. It was the Big Three consist of Kevin Garnett, Ray Allen and Paul Pierce. Although they only won a title but they were always contenders for the title until they went separate ways in 2012. The way they were traded into the team was shocking and wise move by the Gm Danny Ainge. He brought them Pierce's Glory years and gave him a reason to wear another ring next to his wedding one. Second, he would probably not become a success in the Dallas Mavericks. The style that Mavericks play is not suitable for Pierce which is Run and Gun. He would not be able to adapt his type of basketball and he will be eventually traded away from the team.

I am a man of wrestling and sports. Any topic about that is my dish and you will see those articles coming out faster than the speed of light