Women's FIFA World Cup: 10 Players To Look Out For

9. Yuki Ogimi (Japan)

Four years ago, Japan stunned the world of women€™s football by beating USA in the final and will be hopeful of defying the odds once again this summer. Striker Yuki Ogimi was one of the younger members of that 2011 squad but, at 27, she is now very much one of the leading ladies. A lot of Japan€™s World Cup-winning team have moved on, so Ogimi€™s experience will be vital - as will her eye for goal. She boasts over 50 goals for her country, placing her second behind only veteran midfielder Homare Sowa. Moreover, she was also the top scorer during the 2013 Women€™s Bundesliga campaign before she made a switch to Chelsea. It didn€™t quite work out in London, which resulted in a move back to Germany, but her talent has never been in question. If Japan are to cause a shock in Canada then Ogimi is their best hope.
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Luisa Necib
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Freelance writer and blogger specialising football. Published by various magazines and websites. Follows England and West Ham,