10 More Star Wars Facts You Probably Knew Deep Down

6. Anthony Daniels Was Very Much Underneath The Plates During C-3PO's Recent Return

The Empire Strikes Back Yoda R2-D2 Luke Skywalker

The first season of Ahsoka brought with it the welcome surprise return of yet another adored Star Wars figure - one who has been a part of this galaxy far, far away from the very beginning.

With the hilarious protocol droid known as C-3PO only popping up for the one fantastic scene in "Part Seven: Dreams and Madness", though, some fans had pondered whether Dave Filoni and co. had actually gone to the trouble of chucking the iconic plates onto the legendary Anthony Daniels for such a short appearance.

Deep down, though, they likely always knew the truth: there's still a ton of life left in the 77-year-old.

And as revealed by Daniels himself on Instagram in the wake of that unexpected droid comeback, not only was he given the full Star Wars Volume experience during his physical return to the part, he also received a standing ovation after as he "finally emerged from that iconic figure."

The Skywalker Saga star has admitted in the past (via RadioTimes) that there will come a day when someone else eventually takes over the beloved role. But judging from his superb performance in Ahsoka, that day is thankfully still a long way off.

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