10 More Star Wars Facts You Probably Knew Deep Down

4. Naboo Was Introduced Into The Galaxy Far, Far Away Long Before Episode I

The Empire Strikes Back Yoda R2-D2 Luke Skywalker

It may have only made its official debut in a Star Wars movie in 1999's The Phantom Menace, but the absolutely gorgeous homeworld of Padmé Amidala and Jar Jar Binks had its name uttered in the galaxy far, far away long before that.

And with said "Naboo" moment coming in the middle of one of Return of the Jedi's funnier moments, you better believe this first reference to that glorious planet has likely been sitting somewhere within you since the first time you sat through Episode VI.

As C-3PO converses with some Ewoks on Endor whilst Han Solo, Leia Organa, and the gang attempt to find a way into the Empire's shield generator, the protocol droid can be heard using a familiar word just before one of the brave teddy bears nicks a speeder bike.

Here, Threepio replies to Wicket W. Warrick, "Naboo, acu tak tak?" when told of his mate's reckless plan.

Who knows, maybe it was this first use of the word that ultimately inspired George Lucas to use it as the name of one of the prequels' most important worlds. Or it could just be nothing more than a coincidence.

Either way, if you experienced the original trilogy before the prequels were even a thing, you definitely heard about "Naboo" some time before the planet itself actually arrived on screens.

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