10 More Star Wars Facts You Probably Knew Deep Down

2. The Real Reason R2-D2 Disobeys Luke's Ship Order

The Empire Strikes Back Yoda R2-D2 Luke Skywalker

While on the subject of fans probably subconsciously knowing the real reason why certain Star Wars characters act in the way they do during their time in the galaxy far, far away, this next entry involves a little trip to Dagobah.

When Luke Skywalker lands on the swamp planet and proceeds to look for Master Yoda in Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, the Jedi-in-training instructs his droid pal R2-D2 to stay in the ship.

Refusing to listen to the lad from Tatooine, though, this defiant astromech is ultimately seen following Luke around the planet. But the truth behind why Artoo insists on staying by the young Skywalker's side is about as tragic as it gets, and it's definitely something fans of the prequel trilogy already knew deep down.

Jumping back to the moment Anakin Skywalker touched down on the fiery world of Mustafar in Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Luke's father also told Artoo to stay with the vehicle. And this would heartbreakingly be the final time that droid saw Anakin before he went full Vader.

Possibly because he feared once again being abandoned by another Skywalker master, Artoo had zero interest in obeying any orders to keep his ass parked in an X-Wing.

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