10 Star Wars Moments ONE Tweak Away From Perfection

9. Take Away The Needless CGI Stunts In The Pulsating Anakin Vs. Obi-Wan Duel On Mustafar

Darth Sidious

Without doubt one of the strongest lightsaber clashes of the entire Star Wars Skywalker Saga, the emotional duel between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker is the prequel trilogy at its operatic best.

And part of what makes this fight between former master and apprentice such a riveting watch even all these years later is just how physical and explosive the combat itself appears throughout the showdown, with Hayden Christensen and Ewan McGregor evidently throwing everything they have into the climactic scene of Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.

The one thing that stops this largely perfect sequence of breathtaking choreography from being entirely flawless, however, is George Lucas' penchant for pointless CGI additions.

Both the digitally crafted moment Anakin throws himself across a Mustafar control room as he attempts to smack Kenobi with his iconic lightsaber, and the point towards the end of the duel when the pair hilariously soar through the air and land on the tiniest of objects floating in a river of lava, instantly pull you out of the otherwise spectacular action.

Could each of those jarring acts not have been achieved through a bit of well-rehearsed wire work instead?

Lucas certainly created some of the most jaw-dropping CGI visuals the galaxy had ever known during his prequel epics, but his reliance on the tool here unfortunately just took something away from the hard-hitting collision between two of the series' true icons.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...