10 Star Wars Moments ONE Tweak Away From Perfection

6. Having Vader Actually Accidentally Kill Padme

Darth Sidious

With the mother of Luke and Leia having no on-screen presence during the original trilogy, fans knew Padme Amidala likely wasn't making it out of Episode III: Revenge of the Sith alive.

However, the way the former Queen of Naboo ultimately passed away during that final prequel entry still sits as one of the most disappointing moments of the entire Skywalker Saga.

Though Anakin Skywalker does inadvertently cause his beloved's eventual death by taking a walk on the dark side and breaking her heart, the fact a strong-willed and fearless Amidala then simply lost the will to live shortly after coming face-to-face with and being briefly choked by a now-Darth Vader, and giving birth to her twins, was a bit of a dissatisfying end for the character.

While Vader being manipulated into thinking he did actually kill his wife by The Emperor definitely added another fascinating layer to that master/apprentice relationship, having a consumed by rage 'Chosen One' genuinely strike down a Padme trying to bring him back to the light on Mustafar would have been a far more heartbreaking and shocking end for the senator.

Luke and Leia could have perhaps then been brought into the world just before Amidala's body finally succumbed to her injuries, too, and one of the worst deaths in Star Wars history would have thankfully been avoided.

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