10 Star Wars Moments ONE Tweak Away From Perfection

3. Jar Jar Keeps His Tongue In His Mouth During The Important Dinner Scene

Darth Sidious

Perhaps one of the most underrated and overlooked scenes to have gone down within the entire Skywalker Saga can be found during Episode I: The Phantom Menace.

As Qui-Gon Jinn, Jar Jar Binks, and Padme sit down for some grub with Anakin and Shmi Skywalker after trying to buy the parts needed to fix their ship, the group engage in an interesting chat about slavery in the galaxy, podracing, and Jedi Knights.

And it's during this crucial conversation when a young Ani eventually offers to help Jinn and his pals, subsequently changing both his own life and the galaxy forever by entering the Boonta Eve podrace.

It's just a shame, then, that most folks only remember this hugely important moment in Star Wars history as the scene that involves the aforementioned gungan slapstick supporting-character repeatedly and rather annoyingly firing his tongue at a bowl of food.

Instead of being a much-needed bit of comic relief, these goofy antics just end up becoming painfully distracting. And though Qui-Gon does manage to catch his pal's tongue relatively early on in the otherwise quite intriguing discussion, the damage had already been done.

Put simply, this particular scene would have massively benefitted from Lucas just knowing when to keep Jar Jar's mouth shut.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...