10 Star Wars Moments That Made Us Cry

9. Dooku Visits The Tree - Tales Of The Jedi

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Dropping onto Disney+ in 2022 and bringing with it a number of intriguing revelations and gorgeous storytelling, the animated Tales of the Jedi series focuses on both Ahsoka Tano and Dooku.

It's during the latter one-time Jedi's story that we see the eventual Sith Lord interacting with his Padawan Qui-Gon Jinn, with viewers getting to see just how much the prequel villain truly cared about his apprentice.

That much was evident as a Dooku who was secretly already working with Sidious asked him about the Sith Lord he'd encountered on Tatooine. This short exchange alongside Master Yaddle, one which sees the future Darth Tyranus talk about his student growing up so fast and note to Jinn that he won't be able to protect him from this dark side enemy, only makes the subsequent scene even more of a heartbreaker, too.

Jumping forward to the time after Jinn's death at the hands of Darth Maul, a devastated Dooku is found looking at the Great Tree within the Jedi Temple. It's here when he explains to Yaddle that a gone-too-soon Qui-Gon was fascinated by this tree when he was younger due to him being raised on the steel and stone planet of Coruscant.

It's a small moment, but one that makes Qui-Gon's passing feel even more gut-wrenching with the knowledge of a conflicted Dooku being helpless to save his dear student, and the whole 'The Sith Lord' episode also forces you to really feel for a complex man who would ultimately play a big part in the rise of the Empire.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...