10 Star Wars Moments That Made Us Cry

7. Jyn Erso Watches Her Father's Message - Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

It's revealed early on in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story that Jyn Erso was separated from her father Galen due to Director Orson Krennic forcing him to rejoin the Empire to help complete the Death Star.

While she would then grow up believing that her father had shockingly opted to choose the Empire instead of her, all of that changed when Jyn was shown a moving hologram message recorded by her pops within Saw Gerrera's hidden base on Jedha. 

Here, Galen revealed he had been undercover all this time and secretly found a way to add a fatal flaw to the Empire's new superweapon. But it's the moment when Galen admits that he'd only been able to think about his "beloved" Jyn and his murdered wife when he was feeling strong due to the overwhelming pain of losing his family that's the real game-changer here for his daughter.

After going years without hearing from a father she thought abandoned her, watching the superb Felicity Jones finally letting her guard down as Jyn, while a stoic but broken Mads Mikkelsen as Galen offered hope to both his "Stardust" and the rest of the Rebel Alliance, will never not be an absolute tear-maker.

That "Stardust" turned out to be the codename Galen used for the Death Star plans was just the emotional icing on this particular cake.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...