10 Terrible Star Wars Characters With ONE Incredible Scene

5. "You're Just A Child... In A Mask" - Supreme Leader Snoke

Star Wars Ki Adi Mundi Death

Before being shockingly split in two towards the end of Episode VIII: The Last Jedi and revealed as little more than a Palpatine puppet, fans had high hopes for Andy Serkis' unsettling Supreme Leader Snoke.

The Planet of the Apes and Lord of the Rings motion capture king appeared to be onto a winner with his few brief, chilling appearances in Episode VII: The Force Awakens, and his first big moment in the next entry into the sequel trilogy further sold Snoke as a properly intimidating big bad.

Kylo Ren found himself being summoned to Snoke's throne room on the Supremacy, and it was here when his master began coldly dissecting his powerful padawan, seemingly motivating the impulsive former Ben Solo into relentlessly hunting down Luke Skywalker.

His swatting away of Ren like an irritating fly via Force lightning was already impressive enough, but his scathing closing statement of "you're just a child in a mask" fully established Snoke as a manipulative soul who could completely tear someone apart from within, too.

It's just a shame it was all downhill from here, though.

Snoke was soon easily dispatched by Ren after attempting to force the son of Han Solo to execute Rey, with it then being frustratingly explained in Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker that this once intimidating villain was just a silly strandcast being manipulated by a returning Darth Sidious from afar.

What a waste.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...