Star Wars: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Jango Fett

8. Jango Fett Was Disavowed By The New Mandalorians

Star Wars Jango Fett Facts

And while on the subject of that iconic armour, that beskar suit is synonymous with the world of Mandalore and the badass Mandalorians found kicking ass across the galaxy.

As noted by his son during The Mandalorian - Chapter 14: The Tragedy, Jango actually fought in the Mandalorian Civil Wars, with the eventual world-class bounty hunter being given his first set of beskar armour during those battles.

Said Mandalorian Civil Wars saw the more peaceful New Mandalorians fight with the traditional warrior clans over control of Mandalore. The former ended up coming out on top, and it was that side that eventually decided to disavow any connection to the warrior who seemingly must have been fighting against them during the wars.

Prime Minister Almec even went as far as to say that this assassin for hire had just stolen an artefact to use for his bounty hunting life and was not in any way a Mandalorian.

In the years that would follow this shunning from the New Mandalorians, Jango would go on to establish himself as the greatest bounty hunter in the galaxy, of course... with a little help from his apparently stolen beskar gear.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...