Star Wars: 9 Secrets Of The Ghost Ship You Need To Know

7. The Ghost's Cockpit Was Originally Going To Be Used For A Clone Wars Episode

Star Wars Hera Ghost

Before it eventually became an unmistakable part of the Ghost ship, much of the design of the cockpit seen within the Rebel light freighter was actually set to be used for another vehicle in Star Wars.

As revealed in Tech's Notes: "Deal or No Deal" Trivia Gallery, the initial plan was to use this interior for the Silver Angel ship in the sixth season of The Clone Wars during the show's original run. However, when it didn't look like fans were going to get to see this awesome piloting area, they instead repurposed it and used a lot of that work to create the Ghost's own cockpit.

The Silver Angel would, of course, finally go on to show up in the seventh season of the Clone Wars, being flown by Trace and Rafa Martinez.

And while Dave Filoni would go on to note that the eventual Ghost cockpit wasn't an exact replica of that earlier Clone Wars design, some fans have still been quick to point out similarities between the two freighters.

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