10 In-Universe Star Trek Holidays (And When To Celebrate Them)

1. Captain Picard Day

star trek holidays
CBS Media Ventures

Every year aboard the Enterprise-D, the teachers would celebrate Captain Picard Day for the children on the ship. The holiday was a celebration of Picard as a role-model for the kids—a position he tried to distance himself from, but was nonetheless flattered by, seeing as he kept the banner from one of the celebrations for decades in his personal vault (seen in the first episode of Star Trek: Picard).

On Captain Picard Day, the Enterprise's children would create art, sculptures, and models in the captain's image for a contest judged personally by Jean-Luc. This holiday originated as a tradition for the Enterprise-D crew, but the fact that Boimler and others knew about Captain Picard Day around a decade later implies that it may have spread and become more popular throughout Starfleet.

The date of Captain Picard Day is generally accepted as the 16th of June, since this day apparently matches the stardate from the episode, stardate 47457.1. Some fans dispute this date however, pointing out that this stardate was not said until long after the Picard Day scene, so the actual holiday may be an earlier day in June.

Picard wasn't the only Enterprise captain to be honoured with their own holiday, as we learned from Boimler in Those Old Scientists that Captain Pike's birthday was also celebrated annually due to his many great achievements.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.