10 In-Universe Star Trek Holidays (And When To Celebrate Them)
5. Day Of Honour

For many Humans, the New Year is a time to reflect on the previous year. Klingons have a similar holiday called the Day of Honour, if you replace the heavy drinking with a diet of Rokeg blood pie, the heart of a sanctified targ, and mot'lach served from the grail of Kah'less.
During this annual celebration, Klingons look back on their actions from the past year and determine if they have been honourable. The Day of Honour also incorporates bat'leth battles and painstiks—the same devices that were used on Worf during his Second Rite of Ascension in The Icarus Factor.
This holiday was actually first created for the Day of Honor novel series. John Ordover contacted Jeri Taylor while he was working as an editor on the series, and convinced her to include the holiday in a storyline involving B'Elanna Torres. This idea became a Voyager episode by the same name: Day of Honor, which shows B'Elanna reluctantly engaging with this Klingon tradition on the holodeck, before leaving in frustration once the painstiks came out.
We weren't given a date for this holiday in the episode, but, according to Memory Beta, the novel for the episode and a DS9 comic both specify April 5 as the Day of Honour—the same day as First Contact Day. This doesn't really make sense, seeing as an Earth year is almost certainly a different length than a year on Qo'noS, but we'll just go with it.