10 Biggest WTF Moments From Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

6. Q's Welcoming

Defiant DS9 Thomas Riker Benjamin Sisko Star Trek
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

After The Next Generation, we assume that common practice for dealing with the Q Continuum is to simply play along with whatever scheme they're up to until they get bored, or decide humanity has learned it's lesson for the day. Sisko however had a very different way of dealing with all-powerful alien pranksters.

When Q arrived aboard DS9 in Q-Less and started wreaking havoc, Sisko confronted him at Quark's bar. Q mocked the commander by transforming the bar into a boxing ring and dancing around trying to provoke him, landing a few punches, which prompted Sisko to knock Q straight to the ground with one powerful hit.

Q never returned to Deep Space Nine in the series, so it's safe to say that Sisko's message came across. This moment really showcased his no-nonsense attitude early in the series and set him aside from Picard (who was probably very pleased reading the report of this incident off camera).

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.