10 Biggest WTF Moments From Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

4. 'Allamaraine, Count To Four!'

Defiant DS9 Thomas Riker Benjamin Sisko Star Trek
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

Move Along Home is a famously ridiculous episode from DS9's first season.

A group of game-obsessed aliens called the Wadi visited the station from the Gamma Quadrant and immediately requested to try out the games at Quark's Bar. After they caught Quark trying to rig the dabo wheel, the Wadi brought in their own board game, Chula. Quark, desperate to make amends with the Wadi, played their game, but he soon learned that the four pieces he was playing with controlled four people (Kira, Bashir, Dax, and Sisko) who were abducted from the station when the game began.

The four officers were trapped in a trippy simulated environment that would create different challenges depending on Quark's moves. This could've been a great opportunity to create some really interesting puzzles for these characters, but the first challenge they encountered was nothing more than a game of alien hopscotch.

The Allamaraine rhyme has become a huge meme for good reason, along with the accompanying dance. It's just so lame. The other trials later on in the episode were slightly more engaging, but it's revealed in the end that there was never any actual threat to the players, so the whole thing just seems kinda pointless in retrospect.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.