10 Greatest Redemption Stories In Star Trek
4. Catsuit To Command: Seven Of Nine
Seven of Nine was always far far more than the skin-tight dermaplastic garments The Doctor designed for her, but there is little denying that the character was introduced in the middle of Voyager's road home as a way to boost ratings through sex appeal. Thankfully, Seven was allowed a significant amount of growth in the years aboard ship that followed, going from foe to friend and trusted colleague, although the less said about that dalliance with Chakotay the better!
In the eyes of many, as a former Borg drone, Seven had to atone for her 'actions' within the Collective. It was soon made clear, however, that Seven was a survivor, like all Borg, an unwilling servant. Assimilated as a young child, Seven had known little else but the Collective until Voyager came along. At first angry and resentful at being pulled away from the Borg, Seven clashed with Captain Janeway at every opportunity, and rejected humanity at every turn.
Before Voyager made it home, Seven had become a beloved member of the crew both on- and off-screen. Even B'Elanna had to admit to that! Her return in Star Trek: Picard was also a resounding triumph… and there were no more catsuits! However, whilst Seven had been embraced on Voyager, she was (bizarrely) rejected by Starfleet because of her former Borg status. After several years, Starfleet finally redeemed itself by allowing Seven to serve, as Commander on the Titan-A and then Captain of the Enterprise-G!! Seven forged one for herself, but she still deserves a Legacy!