10 Greatest Star Trek Feel Good Moments

1. The Naked What Now?

Riker Troi Wedding Star Trek Nemesis
Paramount Pictures

There is one unanswered question that still haunts us all from Star Trek: Nemesis... Just where exactly do you tie the knot on Betazed? Ding, dong, the bells are gonna chime!

A lighter moment in the film that juxtaposes the petrification of the Romulan Senators, the Troi-Riker wedding features a my-gift-is-my-song routine (I know there's no money, but Data – you cheapskate!), the drunk uncle, and a the-time's-are-a-changin' best man's speech that never fails to hit the funny bone and pull at the heartstrings, all to the backdrop of the Alaskan mountains. Everyone looks radiant in their dresses and dress uniforms, Guinan is fabulously and forever Guinan (even the Denobulans would call it quits after that many marriages), and Wesley has returned from his next-level backpacking trip.

After the naked nuptials on Betazed, both Troi and Riker were set to transfer to the Titan with the latter taking the captaincy. The marriage represented a turning point; bitter-sweet (but mostly sweet) and tinged with a note of nostalgia as life was moving on, if not at warp speed, then at full impulse. The moment remains a joyous one, however, a happy-ending for The Next Generation's best will-they-won't-they couple. As Picard adds, "You are my family". What we didn't know then, of course, was that organising a family reunion would take about 20 years.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.