10 Greatest Star Trek Feel Good Moments

3. Cetacean Socialisation

Riker Troi Wedding Star Trek Nemesis
Paramount Pictures

"Admiral, there be whales here!"

There are any number of great feel-good moments in the time-travel adventure with a strong ecological message that is Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. What could be more universally appealing than shutting down an irredeemably rude passenger on public transport, for example? Seeing the crew of the Enterprise (well, of the Bounty at this point) attempt to navigate the strange world of the 1980s more generally, probably more alien to them than a Vulcan at a stag do, is fun enough. We all tried to speak to our computer mouse as a result! "Alexa, what's the definition of insanity?"

Having saved George and Gracie from the whalers, the crew make the complex warp sling-shot manoeuvre around the sun in order to return to the 23rd century, but the the Bounty's systems begin to shut down upon arrival, and the ship crash lands in San Francisco bay. After some Kirk underwater heroics, the whales are freed and the giant cigar probe in the sky, content enough with the song they're singing, packs up its things and… slowly… leaves. Power is restored to Earth and its environs; the skies clear.

In a moment of sheer glee, the crew celebrate their victory whilst still clinging to the sinking Klingon vessel. As the whales cavort in the distance, Kirk, Scotty, Uhura, McCoy, Chekov, Sulu, and Dr Taylor whoop and cheer, jumping joyfully into the water. Even Spock looks like he's having a good time. Of course, the next scene is the court martial, but they all get off with barely a slap on the wrist – only Kirk is demoted for insubordination and gets A new ship in the process.

All's well that ends whale.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.