10 Historical Figures That Appeared In Star Trek

7. Mahatma Gandhi, Lord Byron, Socrates, And Marie Curie

Stephen Hawking Albert Einstein Data Star Trek
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

Gandhi, Byron, and Socrates all appeared as holograms on the Paxau Resort program in the Star Trek: Voyager season three episode Darkling, although, if they could, they'd probably wish they hadn't as it doesn’t end well for them. (The latter looks more like a windsock than Socrates when EMH Mark Evil is done with him.)

In the episode, The Doctor is leafing through the historical figures database to find potential personality traits to nab for his own subroutines. All that meddling with his program has an unfortunate side-effect, as a 'dark,' Hyde-like character forms. Mad, bad, and dangerous to deactivate.

Both Gandhi and Byron have dialogue in the episode; however, the world's most famous nonviolent revolutionary, father of a nation, and one of the world's most celebrated English poets, might have been better served than by a debate on the necessity of sexual abstinence versus the more epicurean approach.

We also find Socrates playing a game of Kal-toh against T'Pau (the Vulcan not the band). Marie Curie, the pioneering scientist who discovered the elements polonium and radium, double Nobel Prize laureate (the first woman to ever win one, the first person to win two, and the only person to win one in two separate scientific fields), only gets a simple shout out by The Doctor. She does have a shuttlecraft named after her on the Enterprise-D though, so…swings in roundabouts.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.