10 Historical Figures That Appeared In Star Trek

2. Neil Armstrong

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The very last episode of The Original Series aired just six weeks before Neil Armstrong took that first step onto the Moon (Luna, if you like). He is only seen on screen twice in Star Trek. The first is in footage of him walking to the Apollo 11 launchpad in the Enterprise opening credits (although technically that means he appeared in every single episode, aside from perhaps those two in the mirror universe), and the second is in Shannon O'Donnel's dream of the 'one small step' moment in the Voyager episode 11:59. Armstrong is mentioned in numerous other episodes and has a Luna city and lake, as well as a starship, named after him by the 24th century.

Clearly a fan of the show, Armstrong was keynote speaker at the 2004 Beam Me Up Scotty…One Last Time convention in honour of James Doohan who had just received his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. In his speech, Armstrong said,

I'm hoping, for my next command, to be given a Federation starship. And, when I get that command, I would like to have a crew like Captain James T. Kirk had. Spock and Chekov and Uhura and Dr McCoy and Sulu […].

Under one further condition…

I am an engineer. And, if I get that command, I want a chief engineering officer like Montgomery Scott, because I know Scotty will get the job done and do it right. […] So, from one old engineer to another, thanks, Scotty.

A fine tribute to Doohan who sadly passed away the following year at the age of 85.

Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were also offered roles in the fan series Star Trek: Of Gods and Men. Both wanted to appear but could not because of scheduling conflicts.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.