10 Real World Star Trek Locations You Can Visit

7. Bloomington, Indiana

Star Trek Vasquez Rocks Kirk Sean Ferrick
CBS Media Ventures

"I've always preferred farm country myself." That's how Captain Janeway describes her bucolic leanings in Imperfection before Seven of Nine pops a picture of the green fields outside of Bloomington, Indiana on the Astrometrics display. The first mention of Janeway's home State on screen was the "Summers in Indiana" in Macrocosm, and later the conniving con artist Dala recalls "the farm on Indiana" where she (as Janeway) grew up.

We also reckon that Indiana as birthplace can be traced back to the 1996 book Mosaic,* written by then Voyager executive producer Jeri Taylor and considered canon by writers and producers until Taylor retired from the series at the end of season four. Taylor was born and studied in Bloomington.

If you are able to pay the city a visit, the first thing you should probably do is see the Janeway statue, a monument erected in 2020 by the Janeway Collective in honour of Voyager's Captain, set to be born in Bloomington in 2336 (that year according to the statue and Janeway's 'autobiography,' in any case). Whilst Kate Mulgrew could only be there virtually for the unveiling because of the pandemic, she did make sure to go in person in 2022, much to the delight of the sizeable crowd amassed to see her.

In an uncanny coincidence not even Captain Braxton would care to correct, Kate Mulgrew is, in fact, from another of the most Star Trek of States — Iowa.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.