10 Star Trek Toys That We Loved

7. Star Trek Replicas By Playmates

We're getting more of those "sentimental feelings about the past," as B'Elanna once put it. The memories of Planets Forbidden are all flooding back — the hours of a relatively well-spent youth lingering in the Star Trek section. And, oh, that glorious 'try me' button! Now, we hang on to each replica like the plastic will transmute and our lives will somehow depend on it.

Playmates didn't just make action figures, they also made accessories. And with all due respect to Mego, these replicas were pretty meticulously faithful to what was on screen. For example, none of the Playmates communicators made a mad siren sound that would deafen every Ferengi on Ferenginar. Plus, they weren't blue! The Playmates replicas looked, felt, and could be played with like the 'real' thing!

In 1992, as part of their Star Trek: The Next Generation collection, Playmates first released a 'Personal Communicator,' Type II Phaser, and Tricorder (TR-560), all with authentic sounds from the show. The same year, they also launched the Shuttlecraft Goddard (the one Scotty eventually got as a going away present), and the Enterprise-D itself, with light-up warp nacelles (and Bussard collectors), warp, impulse, photon torpedo, and phaser sounds, which was basically early ASMR for Trekkies.

From then on, Playmates has given us more props, playsets, and ships than you can shake a painstick at, which, ironically, they have made too, but only for their Klingon action figures.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.