10 Star Trek Villains Who Killed The Most

5. Kevin Uxbridge

star trek the original series the conscience of the king kodos the executioner
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

The Douwd are one of the most powerful species we've seen in Trek. They are immortal beings that have the ability to travel through time and space, create powerful life-like illusions, and kill with a simple thought.

In 2281, a Douwd visited Earth to live as a Human, and his new name became Kevin Uxbridge. Usbridge lived a happy life as a Human, and eventually fell madly in love with a woman named Rishon. The two married in 2313, and eventually moved to a colony on the planet Rana IV. Kevin and Rishon loved each other deeply, but Kevin never revealed his true identity to his wife.

One tragic day, the Rana IV colony was invaded by a species called the Husnock. Kevin could've killed them, but was prevented by the Douwd moral code. He tried desperately to trick them into leaving through his illusions, but nothing worked. The colony was destroyed by the Husnock, and his wife Rishon was killed.

With one momentary thought of vengeance, Kevin Uxbridge killed the entire Husnock race, ending the lives of an estimated fifty billion people. The Douwd are powerful, but they do not have the ability to reverse death. In his grief, Kevin recreated his home on the colony and his wife as illusions, and pretended to live his old life.

The Enterprise-D encountered Kevin Uxbridge in the Next Generation episode The Survivors, but in the end he was left on the planet to continue living in his illusions.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.