10 Star Trek Villains Who Killed The Most

2. The Female Changeling

star trek the original series the conscience of the king kodos the executioner
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

The Dominion War was one of the bloodiest conflicts the galaxy has ever known. Hundreds of worlds were rendered uninhabitable, and hundreds of millions of lives were lost before the war ended.

The blame lies with The Great Link, and all of the other Changelings that ruled over the Dominion and their unending conquest of the galaxy. However, one specific Changeling, known simply as The Female Changeling, was tasked with carrying out the Dominion's actions in the Alpha Quadrant. It was her who led the deadliest battles of the war, and she even personally ordered the Jem'Hadar to exterminate the entire Cardassian population when Cardassian citizens began rebelling against the Dominion in What You Leave Behind. Like most Changelings, she believed that solid life was inherently evil and inferior.

The war ended after Starfleet cured the Changeling virus created by Section 31, saving The Female Changeling and her entire species in the process. At this point, she signed The Treaty Of Bajor, and was taken into custody, forever separated from The Great Link.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.