10 Times Star Trek Depicted Addiction

1. Star Trek: Generations

Star Trek Symbiosis

Star Trek Generations is a drama about grief masquerading as a space adventure. According to Psychology Today, while grief is primarily associated with death, it can occur any time we lose something we hold dear. Unresolved grief is a major contributor to substance abuse.

Instead of substances, the El-Aurian scientist Tolian Soran, grieving the loss of his family and culture to the Borg, seeks a return to the Nexus, a dimension of joy and wish fulfillment outside space-time.

Soran and the other El-Aurian refugees, including Guinan, first encountered the Nexus when they were caught in an energy ribbon during their escape from the Borg. Although rescued by the Enterprise-B, aided by Kirk, Scotty, and Chekov, the El-Aurians never forget the experience.

Since Soran's plan to re-enter the Nexus involves blowing up stars to draw the energy ribbon closer, Picard, himself mourning the loss of his brother and nephew, is determined to stop him. During their confrontation, Picard enters the Nexus.

The Nexus shows Picard the family he could have had if he weren't in Starfleet. As Psychology Today explains, substance use only makes grief worse by extending the feelings the user wants to numb. Similarly, Picard realizes that the joy the Nexus offers is an illusion and recommits to his mission.

Picard finds Kirk in the Nexus, trapped there since aiding the El-Aurians. Like Picard, Kirk is tempted by the chance to make up for past regrets but realizes he'd miss excitement and danger. He leaves behind his illusions to join Picard in defeating Soran.

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Frank Chavez is a freelance writer, playwright, and screenwriter from the San Francisco Bay Area. They live in the Census Designated Place outside the small city, outside of Oakland with their wife and numerous cats.