14 Dumbest Things In Star Trek Generations
11. The Nexus Moves At The Speed Of The Plot
The Nexus ribbon’s velocity varies for plot convenience. Data says it passes through our galaxy once every 39.1 years…so where is it the rest of the time? Circling around the Local Group of galaxies? Making side-trips to Andromeda?
For it to pop through our galaxy so frequently suggests the damned thing is traveling at Ludicrous Speed, and should flash by stars in the blink of an eye. So how come it apparently slows down to subsonic speed in order to scoop up Picard and Soran? Yeah, sure, someone can make an argument that its velocity varies depending on its proximity to a gravity well or a host of other rationalizations, but none of that’s in the movie.
Maybe we’re lucky the script doesn’t attempt to address this. The last thing this movie needed was more dumb technobabble.