14 Dumbest Things In Star Trek III: The Search For Spock

4. Genesis By Name

Kirk Scotty

This is something of a continuity point, but in the previous film Kirk has to go through a whole security procedure to even show the Genesis presentation to Spock and McCoy, neither of whom has heard of it before. So how is it that “Genesis has become a galactic controversy” to the point that even the goofy alien McCoy meets in the bar knows there is a planet called Genesis? And why does McCoy even assume he even knows that name (okay, he's slighty cuckoo here, but really)?

Sure, it’s reasonable to think a nebula-erasing kaboom would be spotted by both friends and foes, but did the Federation just shrug and admit what it was, right down to releasing its name? Did someone working at Starfleet or for the Federation leak it? Did Carol Marcus (if she existed in this movie) give a press conference?

And if it’s so publicly known, why was it necessary for Valkris have to die to get the presentation to Kruge?

It’s either a secret or it’s not.

Make up your mind, movie.

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Maurice is one of the founders of FACT TREK (www.facttrek.com), a project dedicated to untangling 50+ years of mythology about the original Star Trek and its place in TV history. He's also a screenwriter, writer, and videogame industry vet with scars to show for it. In that latter capacity he game designer/writer on the Sega Genesis/SNES "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — Crossroads of Time" game, as well as Dreamcast "Ecco the Dolphin, Defender of the Future" where Tom Baker performed words he wrote.