14 Dumbest Things In Star Trek Nemesis

11. Shinzon's Pathological Procrastination

Star Trek Nemesis Enterprise E Poster Scimitar
Paramount Pictures

Shinzon’s dying. That’s D Y I N G dead if he can’t suck the marrow out of Picard or whatever. At the top of the story he’s literally days from certain doom. So, what does he do once the Enterprise delivers Picard right to his doorstep? He dawdles. He waits SEVENTEEN FLIPPING HOURS before initiating contact.

Then, with the clock ticking, and with Picard onboard his Scimitar, Shinzon just has a chat with the captain and Senior staff and LETS PICARD GO BACK TO THE ENTERPRISE, only to have him back “tomorrow” for a tête-à-tête dinner (possibly upwards of a day!), and then LETS HIM GO AGAIN.

Only then, after much complaining on the part of his Viceroy, and being warned that he has literally run out the clock, does he finally consent to kidnapping Picard.

Sure, one expects a flair for the dramatic in a villain. But this is a flair for the idiotic.

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Maurice is one of the founders of FACT TREK (www.facttrek.com), a project dedicated to untangling 50+ years of mythology about the original Star Trek and its place in TV history. He's also a screenwriter, writer, and videogame industry vet with scars to show for it. In that latter capacity he game designer/writer on the Sega Genesis/SNES "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — Crossroads of Time" game, as well as Dreamcast "Ecco the Dolphin, Defender of the Future" where Tom Baker performed words he wrote.