8 Ups & 2 Downs From Star Trek: Discovery 5.7 - Erigah

9. UP — That's No Space Station…

Star Trek Discovery Breen
CBS Media Ventures

… although it is practically a mini-moon. I'm a bit late to the May 4th mixed media franchise messages but live long and lightsabers or something!

In my article '10 Things We Now Know About The Breen,' I mistook the Breen locale of Moll's flashbacks in Mirrors to be a space station. In fact, it was a ship — one so absolutely ginormous, that, in Erigah, it cast an ominous, encompassing shadow over the corridors of Discovery as it warped into Federation HQ! This was a dreadnought, in Captain Burnham's words, "the most powerful warship class in the entire Breen Imperium".

In an interview for TrekMovieStar Trek: Discovery season five writer/story editor Carlos Cisco confirmed the vessel's enormous proportions, and that we'd seen the space station imposter before,

Yep, that big honking thing next to Federation HQ [in Face the Strange] is the Breen ship. It's not a space station, it's a ship. […] This thing was just a behemoth. Like a Discovery-sized ship could fly into its shuttle bay.

An UP for sheer size and scale alone — go big, green, and Breen or go home! — but equally for the gorgeous visual effects. The Dreadnought simply dominated the screen in this episode, most notably towards the end in the eerie beauty of an exterior shot as four Federation ships warp in, only to pale into insignificance in the shadow of the Breen giant. 

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.