Star Trek: 10 Alien Species That Are Actually Related

4. Humans And Voth

Andorians Aenar Star Trek Shran Hemmer Ryn
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

Humans are not the only intelligent species to come from Earth. Aside from the Cetaceans, there was also a genus of dinosaurs called the hadrosaurs, who survived the mass extinction event that wiped out all of the other dinosaurs. Eventually, they evolved into a highly intelligent, warp-capable species called the Voth, and left Earth, living as nomads in the Delta Quadrant aboard massive starships.

The Voth were encountered by Voyager in the episode Distant Origin. They had a 65 million year head start with their technology, so Voyager was obviously outmatched. The lead Voth city ship was large enough to beam Voyager inside of it. They also have transwarp engines and advanced spatial displacement tech, and they seem to be one of the oldest and most mighty empires in the galaxy, though it does seem like their technology had begun to stagnate by the 24th century.

The Voth were extremly offended by the idea that they were related to Humans, but the evidence was undeniable.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.