Star Trek: 10 Alien Species You’ve Probably Forgotten About
8. The Fabrini

You no doubt remember the Original Series episode For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky, but if someone just said 'Fabrini' to you, your first thought might be alcohol or pasta, not alien species from Star Trek.
In physical appearance, the Fabrini were suspiciously human — let's call that one 'convergent evolution towards budget savings' — and their clothing wouldn't have looked much out of place on Carnaby Street in the '60s. They had to make do on TOS, of course, but with nothing to distinguish them outwardly, it is little wonder that the Fabrini have been forgotten.
Nevertheless, what the Fabrini lacked in facial features, they made up for in fairly fascinating backstory. Some 10,000 years before they bumped into the Enterprise, a group of Fabrini escaped their dying planet aboard a generational ship that was also an asteroid (think: Oumuamua, but it's definitely aliens!). When Kirk, Spock, and McCoy beamed over, they found that the Fabrini had lost all knowledge of their past and were worshipping the ship's central computer as 'The Oracle of the People'.
Fortunately for Doctor McCoy, said computer contained all the Fabrini's advanced medical knowledge, enough to cure him of the conveniently deadly 'xenopolycythemia'.