Star Trek: 10 Characters That Should Teach In Starfleet Academy

8. Worf

Star Trek Doctor Academy
CBS Media Ventures

Worf always danced the line between his Klingon heritage, his human upbringing, and the prune juice, but now he seems to have fully embraced the contradictions for a more zen and warrior-like existence. In Star Trek: Picard, Captain Worf was a changed man — preferring pacifism to actual combat, but the "swords are fun," decapitate first, ask questions later, type. What was somewhat unfortunate for Riker in mortal peril, would be a boon to Academy cadets in any century.

Having a renowned tactical and strategic operations officer — the first Klingon to serve in Starfleet, defeater of Borg, Dominion, a badmiral, Shinzon, and Borg with Changelings — on the teaching staff is an opportunity not to be missed! With that experience comes wrapped up all the history of the Enterprises D and E (and what Worf did to the latter), as well as a good chunk of the history of Deep Space 9. Naturally, Worf could also teach Klingon: language, culture, history, and swordsmanship.

Then, when the weather control systems have decided on a sunny day, cadets and staff alike will gather outside behind the holo-Klingon on the grounds of the Presidio for one of his Mok'bara classes, followed, of course, by a round of chamomile tea. "Do you take sugar?" Just don't let anyone trample on holo-Boothby's flowerbeds!

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.