Star Trek: 10 Characters Who Got Away With Murder
1. Worf
Oh, Klingons! You're nothing if not consistent. Even the one who likes prune juice couldn't resist a bloodletting to avenge the slain K'Ehleyr. And if no one's around to see the gavel fall, does it still make a crapload of sparks? The hammer or ball didn't fall at all for the Enterprise-D's chief of security. It was the Klingons' peculiar sense of 'justice' that got Worf into it, and it was Klingon 'justice' that would get him out of it.
"A Klingon would not use poison. His murder would have no honour" is an actual thing Worf actually said to Captain Picard earlier in the episode Reunion. To quote the previous miscreant on this list, "Oh, very clever, Worf. Eat any good books lately?" A bat'leth to the chest is somehow more decent!?
The High Council 'considered the matter closed' because of course they did, but Starfleet? Really? Worf killed Duras (son of Ja'rod) in uniform (taking off your combadge doesn't make it any better!) right in front of Commander Riker and Data and got nothing more than a stern talking to and a formal reprimand from Captain Picard. Starfleet is an organisation that put a decorated officer on trial because her culture practised genetic engineering, but murder, naaah, Klingon gonna Klingon! A few years later, Worf also killed Gowron in a duel. At least that time, the safety of the entire Alpha Quadrant was at stake!