Star Trek: 10 Most Mind-Bending Spatial Anomalies
7. Subspace Divergence Field
Or the 'Harry Kim's Ghost' Anomaly
It could have been your regular trip through a plasma drift to avoid the local organ harvest, but it turned into something altogether out-of-the-ordinary. When a nasty bit of subspace turbulence hits Voyager, the warp engines stall and main power fails — they're leaking antimatter! Before B'Elanna can start a proton-burst infusion, the ship is hit with proton bursts. This is one freaky-deaky plasma cloud, and one hell of a cold-open!
Even more mind-bogglingly mind-bending, Kes disappears through a spatial rift on deck 15, Harry Kim dies, and Captains Janeway (Captain Janeways?) see "a ghost image" of each other on the bridge. We switch to another Voyager where everything is relatively normal, aside from the power drain and the extra Kes. Remember, if in doubt, run quantum-level and multispectral analyses!
Quantum theory has had some very real implications aboard Voyager here. Thank you Kent State University! The divergence of subspace fields — a "spatial scission" — duplicated every particle of matter, but not anti-matter, on the ship. If you can wrap your mind around it, both ships actually existed at the same point in space-time, pulling power from the same warp core. Physicist Richard Feynman reportedly once said, "If you think you understand quantum mechanics, you don't understand quantum mechanics". The episode Deadlock and its anomaly might be science-fiction, but still, I think it proves his point!