Star Trek: 10 Secrets About Spacedock One You Need To Know

A floating mushroom or a galactic table lamp? Star Trek's most recognisable bus depot beckons

Star Trek Spacedock
Paramount Pictures

A floating mushroom or a galactic table lamp are two things that Spacedock One might well resemble.

But since its debut in The Search for Spock some 40 years ago, the Earth orbital docking structure has lived on in both live-action and animated Star Trek. It has proved to be a versatile structure with its design used across the Federation in various incarnations and reused footage.

The original station itself has become almost as iconic a part of the franchise as its gorgeous array of starships and is one of the most recognisable structures to exist in Star Trek. So recognisable, in fact, that it would be brought back recently for Star Trek Picard's final season. Shuffling across the stars with a little help from some warp tugs, it serves now as the Fleet Museum at Athan Prime, housing legendary starships from all eras, including a classic Constitution Class. 

This standard home base for much of the Star Trek cinematic adventures, this list will not only focus on its exterior but also the interior, as well as its legacy across the generations both live-action and animated. 

Engage the autopilot, sit back and let the dockmaster take control as we explore what's aboard - and not just in Hangar 12...

10. A Matter Of Perspective

Star Trek Spacedock
Paramount Pictures

The live-action appearances of Spacedock are, for the most part, reuses of footage from Star Trek III. The approach of the Enterprise and the entrance through the gigantic space doors instantly became iconic. 

It's suggested that the doors and the enclosed bay are designed in such a way as to allow work crews to operate in the vacuum, yet still be protected from prolonged radiation exposure without the need of enclosed spacecraft such as the travelpods or tugs.

In Star Trek VI, the audience is shown the first appearance of the executive shuttle (and future kitbash into the USS Jenolan). It's also the only time in the franchise that Spacedock is viewed from a ventral angle. This was a conscious decision from the effects team to find a different way to look at the base, providing a better look at the underside of the station's surfaces, as well as that smaller hub where the Enterprise-D would be resurrected in 2401. 

One thing that you won't find on Spacedock but was part of the original concept was a designation, similar to those you would find on a starship. In the case of Spacedock One, in the original artwork for The Search for Spock it was labelled as NC-7011S, though this never made it to screen.

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A Star Trek fan from birth, I love to dive into every aspect of the franchise in front and behind the screen. There's something here that's kept me interested for the best part of four decades! Now I'm getting back into writing and using Star Trek as my first line of literary attack. If I'm not here on WhatCulture then you're more than welcome to come and take a look at my blog, Some Kind of Star Trek at or maybe follow me on Twitter as @TheWarpCore. Sometimes I force myself not to talk about Star Trek.