Star Trek: 10 Species Who Need To Get With The Times

9. The Antedians

Antedians Stat Trek TNG Next Generation Worf Wesley
CBS Media Ventures

The Antedians are of course an incredibly handsome species (at least according to Worf), but they have deep psychological issues with space travel.

In the Next Generation episode Manhunt, two Antedians (one played by Mick Fleetwood from Fleetwood Mac) came aboard the Enterprise, and we learned that this fish-like species is so traumatised by space travel that they put themselves into a voluntary catatonic state while in space for long periods of time. In this state, they are still conscious, but act strange and unresponsive. This species was eligible to join the Federation (before they tried bombing a diplomatic conference), so they must have been warp-capable, but simply terrified of space travel. Going into this altered mind state would apparently help them cope with the stress of the ordeal.

Come on guys, it's not 1996 anymore. We don't need to go into stasis for a simple interstellar journey, we have warp drive now. With all of the modern amenities aboard the Enterprise-D, you could hardly tell if you were in a spaceship or a luxury hotel. Visit the beach on the holodeck for some 'fresh' air, and enjoy the trip!

At least we saw some Antedians aboard Starbase 25 in Lower Decks, so they may finally be warming up to the idea of space travel.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.