Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Andorians

1. The Andorians And Vulcans Met In The 20th Century And Hated Each Other Almost Immediately

Andorian Female Talas Star Trek Enterprise
Paramount Pictures

The Andorians and Vulcans made first contact in the early 20th century. While the first meeting went well, by the 1950s they were bickering over the property line like sitcom neighbors. This feud lasted 200 years. The Andorians believed the only thing stopping a Vulcan invasion was the fear of massive retaliation.

This dispute developed into a cold war. Like the Cold War between the United States and the Soviets, the Andorian-Vulcan cold war included accusations of espionage, actual espionage, and at least one proxy war.

The cold war heated up during Earth's conflict with the Xindi. The Andorians assisted the Enterprise's attempt to capture a prototype of the Xindi planet killer. However, they stole it for themselves for use as a deterrent in the cold war. Enterprise destroyed the prototype before the Andorians could study it.

Administrator L'Vas of the Vulcan High Command claimed that the Andorians had recovered Xindi technology and launched an invasion of Andorian space. When L'Vas's claims were proven false, he was overthrown and a more peaceful government installed.

Andorians and Vulcans began cooperating with each other, eventually joining with humans and the Tellarites in the Coalition of Planets and then the United Federation of Planets.

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Frank Chavez is a freelance writer, playwright, and screenwriter from the San Francisco Bay Area. They live in the Census Designated Place outside the small city, outside of Oakland with their wife and numerous cats.